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Изменено (Mr Nuge): 8/3/2014 11:03:41 PM

Looking for Xbox One Raiders

This clan was founded on one particular motive. To produce a network for able and efficient killers to reach the deepest depths of all end-game raiding. To provide those who seek such glory: aid, guidance, and communion to share our journey. Also, to acquire new fresh souls to teach us things and grow with us as well. This path will take us across all platforms however; story, nightfall, pvp, as well as raids. We seek to grow in all aspects of this venue. This is to ensure our place among champions. To secure ourselves a spot in all that this game has, though with a dead set mark on end-game raiding. We are Lanterns, even in the darkest we shine. Were also just some cool dudes :) Check us out? We grow more everyday!

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