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7/25/2014 9:06:02 PM

dirt and grime on armor

From sarge 212: [quote]I think it would be really cool if the longer you spend outside the Tower, the dirtier and more worn down your armor looks. Dust, cracks, chunks missing, etc. It wouldn't have any degrade to your stats, just the look of it. It would have to be something related to hp on your armor, but everything would have the same amount so it wouldn't be hard to implement. The more damage you take, the more roughed up your armor would look, (it wouldn't refill after battles though.) That way when you get back to the Tower from a Strike or hard mission, you really look like you went to hell and back, not like you just took your armor through a Chevron car wash. Once you get back to the Tower, the 'grit' bar would slowly refill, fixing your armor, making it look all new again. (See 'Edits' for changes to this idea.) Anybody else with me on this? I think it would really be cool to see some purely cosmetic wear and tear on your gear. Please make sure to 'star'/Like if you agree! Comments are great and discussion is better! But Likes are what's going to get it noticed!! Thanks! *Been #1 on the Trending AND Highest Rated boards for about 6 hours straight guys! Thanks for the support and keep it up! Let's make sure the awesome team at Bungie see's this! Edits/Ideas: Joe VDB: Hold Circle/B while at the Tower and your Ghost will clean you up/repair your armor.[/quote]

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