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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
7/24/2014 7:35:29 PM

I made the App stop Working!?

Ok, so I keep seeing all these post that are in one of two place's for people and there non-stop repeat questions or rambles. 1) On website in FAQ or else where on the site. 2) On or in there FAQ or else where on the site. My point I am trying to get across here is there should not be 100+ post on "how do I redeem a Xbox beta code or PSN beta code." Or there are 100+ post on your guns moving from beta to the game, yeah. I get it, you want it. I still dont understand why everybody waste peoples time with questions they can look up on there on, it makes no sents. (This post is for mature, people on the forums with real opinions and not troll or cry baby's) I just need to talk with adults on the matter who's opinions, I care about. (Adult is any body who sees the whole picture and not a one sided story.) Thank you and Long Live Bungie!

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