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Изменено (Froggie): 1/31/2013 9:09:27 PM

Private Groups - Admin Feedback

As an admin in a couple of groups, I've noticed several features that are missing that were very useful in the past. I'm hoping that some of these features will return in the future. [u]Missing Features[/u]: - Only one level of admin (Preferred options to turn on/off certain rights) - No ability to lock threads! (This one is a HUGE issue for us.) - Can't ban straight from the forum; have to go to members and then ban. - Can't edit members' comments. UPDATE: This has been resolved! - No search member feature - Member titles! - Articles/FAQs/Links pages [u]Group Issues/Bugs[/u]: - Missing threads - entire threads seem to have been purged from groups. UPDATE: This issue has been resolved. - All admins but one demoted. - Some groups have incorrect founder listed - Banning members results in kicking them from the group! UPDATE: Only if they belong to more than 10 groups. [u]Suggestions[/u]: - Customize layout -- Turn/on off nested replies -- Ability to list posts chronologically in ascending order -- Themes to change background colors, fonts. - Private group post reporting/ report queue for moderators and admins - Group forum tags: it's nice that we can tag threads in private groups; however, if those threads are not public, they appear to be useless. I would like to be able to see a list of group-specific tags. - Ability to search [i]within[/i] groups! - Badge system for members - Ability for admins to tag members' threads. (Perhaps will come with ability to edit members' posts?) - List of followers that are not current members Other thoughts?

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