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впервые опубликовано в: The Lifeless World and Environment of Destiny
Изменено (GearsandMike): 7/20/2014 9:08:29 AM
I want to help Bungie! :) Hey, um, dude who wrote this, I didn't see a lot of solutions to the problems, just like, mostly all the faults, but if they are going to fix stuff they need to know what to fix it with. Right? I want to help fix it! :D Yeah! Environment Fixes: I think if some NPCs were to be roaming around, or "fixing stuff" Just like you know, banging stuff with a hammer really, if there was a Guardian ground camp, or NPCs who had quest and stuff like that, I bet that would make it seem a lot less lifeless, and all your programmers would have to do is take some of those robot npcs and some different random armors stick it on models and slap them into the maps with some text to do it. Lifeless Fixes: Well, yeah the NPCs were kinda serious, so you can fix that easy too, give them some jokes, make them interact with other NPCs, give them little romances or stories, have other NPC dudes just wander around and give advice and stuff, it doesn't take much, and again this won't cause a budget headache to fix. Enemies Fixes: Well... they are evil aliens and robot dudes and some bug alien robot I don't think they really would do all this reacting this guy would say, but you could again, use what you already have programmed and just make the ships drop them off in random spots, so it's like Oh noes they are invading, but really it's just a randomized thing, so they don't appear in the same places over and over, and the NPC dudes can be like "Oh no robot alien bug guys!!!", and run away and stuff. Won't take too long to do, and it would solve that as well. Whelp, I'm no genius of video games, but I hope my suggestions helped out and lead you into the right direction Bungie. If you liked them please let me know you liked them! :)

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