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7/18/2014 12:00:43 PM

Genesis Knights Looking for new members

Hey there folks, With Destiny Beta out for playstation and soon for xbox. We are looking to bring on new members to push back the Darkness and to enjoy this Epic game title with. We are a multi-game, multi-national gamer community built around respecting one another, helping each other out, working tactically as a team, all the while keeping it our interactions on a mature level. We all have families and play as a hobby yet we find the time several times a week to get together to play. We understand this is just the Beta, however we want to start something now that will carry on to the actual release in September. We are looking for anyone to join: young, old, noob, veteran, casual gamer or competitive gamer. If your interested in being part of a growing community of gamers world wide. You can visit us here on or head on over to our forum page at IF your having trouble with your internet you can also ADD myself DC4907 to your psn and let me know your are interested.

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