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7/16/2014 8:04:03 PM

Let's Discuss In-game Clans, Specifically

So we now have the clan feature. You can be in two clans at once it seems- one on Xbox, and one on Playstation. I tested this myself as I am in one of each, though the first clan you join will be the clan you are taken to when you hit the 'clans' button on the left side of the screen. But the thing is... you can enter and leave a clan at will. I'm in the clans for my lovable huggable private group OTK, but here's the thing. What is stopping us from just joining a clan and leaving right away? See, clans have in-game bonuses when they have a certain number of people. That's all well and good. I'm curious if, say, for the clan raid achievements I have a group of friends. Could some of them just leave their clan if they are in a different one, join mine in around 5 seconds, then just rejoin theirs when we finish the raid? In which case there might not be as big a sense of community if you can join and leave at will, with no obligation or bonus granted. So the purpose of this thread is to discuss what you all think about that. Should people be able to leave and join at will, an unlimited number of times? Do you think there will be in-game bonuses if you stay in one clan for an extended period of time? Things like that. Everybody is so focused on discussing the site update in general that few people seem to be talking about the specific ways will affect Destiny itself. Hence this thread.

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