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5/7/2014 3:49:48 AM

Your Top 3 Superheros?

T4R. Here are mine. 1. Batman 2.Spider man 3. Iron Man

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  • As a kid and (long) before the movies; 1. Spiderman 2. Superman 3. Batman Since the movies I would have to say; 1. Ironman 2. Captain America 3. Hulk (Avengers only, not the prior Hulks) Spiderman is still cool, and better now that he is no longer portrayed by Whiny McGuire, but he just doesn't compare to the other 3 enough to make my list. Superman I lost hope for back in the 80's in the Christopher Reeve era. The other remake was equally bland. The newest one I have not seen, so I don't know what they did to him. Batman - ugh. Too much, too often, too memed. The 60's Batman was cool to me when I was a kid. The animated series was awesome. The Michael Keaton/Val Kilmer/George Clooney Batmen were really over done. And then you have the Christian Bale Batman. Popular culture has a way of destroying things, and is what I have come to in my mind here. He's not great, but not bad. I just can't stand all the overzealous fandom that kills anything.

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