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Изменено (c4rnus): 5/3/2014 1:57:16 AM

Think of a kick-ass setting for a videogame.

If you could create your dream-game, what kind of setting would it be in? [b]or[/b] What kind of setting do you think would be really cool, that hasn't really been done before? I'll give an example:[spoiler]It would be a highly-populated Steampunk city, which is plagued by organized crime, disjunction amongst citizens, and dirty politics. Think of it like a cross between Columbia from [i]Bioshock: Infinite[/i], Republic City from [i]Avatar: The Legend of Korra[/i], and King's Landing from [i]A Song of Ice and Fire.[/i][/spoiler] So? What's a setting you think would be pretty damn cool?

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