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Изменено (II Smiggles II): 7/31/2014 12:01:28 AM

Let's Discuss Snakes

Xenodermus Javanicus is the featured photo Also called the Dragon Snake Snakes in hats are literally the cutest thing in the world as well. Have you ever had a pet snake? And what's your favorite? It's late and I wish to possess all da slimey snakeys

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  • Изменено (Rhynerd): 2/21/2014 7:28:35 PM
    My dad used to find ring necks in the garage and escort them out. And there's also this black racer that used to get into our pool by accident. First couple of times he would run from our attempts to help him out but by the third time or so he just let us take him out when he noticed us. Some time later one of my dad's friends was painting our house (he owns a painting company and does guitar lessons), noticed the "little" guy spying on him through a bush, and the snake let himself/herself be picked right up for a photo. Not sure if it's still in our lawn, but for quite a whole now it certainly has lived on one side of our house, then some time even longer under the old play set. Hopefully that snake still is, friendly non-venomous snakes are great defenses against invading insects and whatnot.

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