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1/31/2014 1:55:34 AM

What Drives Success? New Article From the NYT This is really interesting- in fact, the thing I found the most perplexing was this: [quote]It turns out that for all their diversity, the strikingly successful groups in America today share three traits that, together, propel success. The first is a superiority complex — a deep-seated belief in their exceptionality. The second appears to be the opposite — insecurity, a feeling that you or what you’ve done is not good enough. The third is impulse control. Any individual, from any background, can have what we call this Triple Package of traits. But research shows that some groups are instilling them more frequently than others, and that they are enjoying greater success.[/quote] It strikes me because I feel as if I may have this "Triple Package", and I do, in fact, do very well in school (albeit I may need to work on impulse control and maybe hone my you-are-inferior look). So, Flood? What do you think? Is this blatantly racist or trufax?

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