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1/12/2014 2:54:20 AM

The power of introverts.

TED Talk by Susan Cain. An idea worth spreading so I wanted to share. <3

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  • Изменено (AnAverageGamer): 1/12/2014 5:19:15 AM
    I took the time to watch this because, being an introvert, I do like to learn about what other people think about that personality style. It's a very good video and Mrs. Cain makes a lot of great points I hadn't considered, especially in her mentions of how much introverts have done in the past, yet how much they are made to feel guilty for preferring their solitude. I can certainly relate. Group assignments always sucked for me in school because I preferred working alone. Doing so allowed me to think clearly, and in a determined fashion whereas group work tended to interrupt that process, at least for me, a lot more. Still, schools focus on putting people together as often as possible and alienating those who would prefer to work alone, not out of antisocialism, but out of an ability to work better that way. I hope more people like Mrs. Cain start coming out and making the same point she's trying to make: introversion isn't a negative personality trait and teaching/catering to it should be emphasized more in schools and workplaces. Not to say it's the best thing out there, but that behavioral style has a lot to offer and shouldn't be shunned to the degree it is. As much as I did want to teal deer the shit out of this video, it was a good watch and I appreciate your sharing it. And now back to celebratory drinking in the wake of the Patriots' victory over the Colts and playing video games.

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