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11/20/2013 7:54:53 PM

Soulcalibur II HD

Is anyone else super excited? I remember Cernunnos telling me about it, but I thought it wasn't coming out until the beginning of next year. Man did I get a nostalgia high from that opening and that classic voice saying "Namco" and "SoulCalibur... Two!" (one of the things that I hated about SCV was the fact that they changed the voice of the announcer, that and Nightmare's cheesiness both as a fighting style and his lines). My only disappointments are that I'm broke (like usual) my friend that likes the game as much as I do said he'd get it too, but just sold his xbox last Sunday (so he can have money for the X1 I'm assuming) and it's most likely not going to be available for the X1, I can keep my fingers crossed though. Anywhore, anyone play it yet? I downloaded the demo, but I'm too busy watching the opening over and over.

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