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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
11/15/2013 5:52:07 AM

What if the Playstation Beta ended a week early?

Would you, as a Playstation owner, feel upset? Would you, as an Xbox owner, feel like justice was served? Reflect a little bit on this purely hypothetical scenario and let me know your thoughts, I'm curious to see what people have to say. If all goes according to plan I think we might gain a little perspective on each other's current feelings. Let's see how this goes :)

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  • To me it's not about how long I get to play it, it's that for however long the difference in time between when Sony gets the Beta to when I can play it, I'll know that it is being played and I don't have access to it. It's jealousy really, not towards anyone individually (If I had a Sony console I'd be thrilled) but just that I'll have to wait that much longer after so long. I'll have to go dark on the forums and youtube and not talk to some of my friends so that I can preserve a shred of newness for a game we'll essentially be getting late. I'd also like to say to those who say "It's only a beta no big deal" that Bungie has stated that they are treating the beta like a full product launch, with most of the features up and running. If the Halo 3 and Reach beta are any indication it's pretty much going to be exactly like the final game, so I don't really see saying "It's just a beta" as a valid point.

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