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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
11/15/2013 5:52:07 AM

What if the Playstation Beta ended a week early?

Would you, as a Playstation owner, feel upset? Would you, as an Xbox owner, feel like justice was served? Reflect a little bit on this purely hypothetical scenario and let me know your thoughts, I'm curious to see what people have to say. If all goes according to plan I think we might gain a little perspective on each other's current feelings. Let's see how this goes :)

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  • As negotiated concessions go, I'd say it was relatively minor... To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if Sony had initially tried to negotiate for early release, but ended up settling for early beta. It's all a crock though... The reason Sony is getting "exclusive" perks, including beta a week early, is because they negotiated them with the distributor, Activision and Microsoft didn't. Does anyone here SERIOUSLY think that Microsoft couldn't have negotiated exactly the same deal as Sony if they wanted to? Seriously? No... They're sitting this one out, & waiting to see what kind of game it will turn out to be. Why? Because they have plenty of big exclusive titles in their lineup & don't feel the need to spend that kind of money on an untested title from an independent (ie, not a wholly-owned Microsoft subsidiary) studio. If Destiny turns out to be the game changer it claims to be, then maybe they'll negotiate something more than a basic distribution deal with Activision in 2016. For now, they're going to wait and see, simply because they can afford to.

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