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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
11/15/2013 5:52:07 AM

What if the Playstation Beta ended a week early?

Would you, as a Playstation owner, feel upset? Would you, as an Xbox owner, feel like justice was served? Reflect a little bit on this purely hypothetical scenario and let me know your thoughts, I'm curious to see what people have to say. If all goes according to plan I think we might gain a little perspective on each other's current feelings. Let's see how this goes :)

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  • I think I would be kind of confused as to why even bother offsetting them. I suppose it leaves them better prepared to deal with people smashing against the servers. But launch is going to be simultaneous on all platforms, so wouldn't it be better to test it under those conditions? But to answer your question: I think, as someone who is a 360 owner but hasn't decided between an Xbox One or a Playstation 4 quite yet, that there isn't any justice to be served. I think this is less about what PS gets and more about the lack of acknowledgement that the Xbox platforms are even exist. I've said in a couple threads now, I think Average Joe gamer that doesn't keep up with the latest news might think Destiny is a Playstation exclusive. That's how little we've heard about their Xbox plans. Just silence, except for "Destiny can be pre-ordered for PS4, PS3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360."

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