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Изменено (qy): 10/5/2013 9:37:49 PM

The downfall of gaming (and America.)

It's happening. My theory since the start has been that Halo is slowly becoming CoD and CoD is slowly becoming Halo. The recent reveal of a game mode that will be featured in the upcoming CoD: Ghosts that will feature aliens has confirmed my suspicions. If my theory holds true, within 20 years Halo and Call of Duty will both be the exact same game, causing a massive singularity in the IP's. At that point, 343i and Infinity Ward will get into a massive legal battle of epic proportions, which will ultimately result in the two companies destroying themselves by throwing away all of their monetary assets trying to salvage their only cash crop. At this point, both companies will go under, and a massive power vacuum for control of the FPS genre will commence between other big developers like Nintendo, Dice, EA, and Ubisoft. They will all undoubtedly pour millions of dollars into their attempts to control the genre, but ultimately go bankrupt due to fail and AIDS. The servers will be shut down. There will be an armageddon. Nothing will be left. Once that happens, gamers will have no new FPS games to play. They'll get antsy and have to resort to real-world violence to vent their frustrations. At that point, I don't know what will happen. May god have mercy on us all. So here's my question: what will you do after the gaming apocalypse strikes?

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