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Изменено (Adamal123): 8/14/2013 10:43:39 AM

Quitting my job.

I work at McDonald's, who in their right mind would stay anyways? My reasons for leaving are that I'm a full time student in college whose also taking an EMT night class. I just had a CPR class last night (6-10pm) and work in the morning (4am) and boy did I wake up late because of it. My manager hasn't been very nice about my schedule either, she always wants me to work even on school days. It's not like I need the job anyways, my father is already nice enough to lay my expenses, he told me he has no problem with me quiting because I'm goin to take up another job as an EMT when I'm done with the course. Sooooo... How should I quit? Call them? Go in and tell them in person? Two weeks notice? What? It's my first time quiting.

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