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8/11/2013 6:18:51 PM

Got some Halo 5 rumors for you guys

I know, I know, don't believe rumors unless it comes from a creditable source. But, I feel the need to talk about it anyways for sheer discussion value. None of this is credible. An xbox live friend of mine has known two beta testers for sometime now, and he recently told me they've been testing Halo 5. This is what he told me; - They've been playing with elite and brute models in a sort of invasion playlist. - They've been playing with vehicles: Hornet, Chopper & forerunner vehicles. - They are certain that elites will come back undoubtably along with the Arbiter. - Along with Spartans and playable Elites in-game, there will be a 3rd species. (Probably Promethean) - Destructible environment - Ranking system from Halo 3 will most likely come back. (social and skill playlist)

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