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8/8/2013 10:42:34 PM

I Need Help

I may have appendicitis, and if I do, I will need surgery. I'm not worried about that, what I'm worried about, is the fact that marching season starts soon. Recovery from this surgery is relatively short, 10-20 days before you get your full range of physical ability back, but that's still far too long for me to keep my spot. For anyone who plays sports, think of this like having a spot on the starting line-up, except [i]only[/i] the starting line-up gets to play for the entire game, for the entire season, and if you miss a week or two of practice for medical reasons, a freshman gets your spot for the rest of the year, and you will never get to play, ever. So what do I do? It's very painful, and there's no way I can hold my composure on the field if it continues. It could clear up in a week, or my appendix could rupture spilling shit all over my internal organs, and then I would be in surgery for hours, have a much larger scar, and take two to three months to make a full recovery.

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