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7/20/2013 4:57:51 AM

Community, I want you guys to be the foundation of something great

I understand rough times and have lost to death someone who was my world. I always faced off against dark times in life, but fortunately, I had ways to cope with the bad in life. One of those things was Youtube. I now embark to fulfill a goal where I can do the same for others who struggle with day to day life by making them laugh and smile. I'm asking for your help in my goal. There wasn't really I way I could say this properly. This isn't a post saying "subscribe to me cuz I want to be big and make monehhh." It's a deep personal goal of mine. I want you guys to be the foundation of such a community. A lot of you are honestly the most creative and nicest people I've come across. It's amazing how you all band together under similar interests and goals. I want you guys to be a part of this channel and support, join me, be goofy, be yourselves etc. Like I said, this isn't a "subscribe" to my channel post, I want to be in my videos, become a part of it, be the founding fathers of this community. I know there are many people out there who struggle through day to day life, but they try to find places that bring them comfort. I want to give them a safehaven for such reasons. I know there will be people who blatantly disregard this, but 7th column, through the random goofiness and spectacular times of gaming, will you guys help me in this goal?

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