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Изменено (hopla): 7/10/2013 7:23:10 PM

Staking Names

Is it ethically wrong to sit on a name that you're extremely fond of? EDIT: this is an account/username different from that of my primary: hopla. I don't believe I'll ever use it, unless there is some use for an Alt that I'm unaware of... I've finally summoned the courage to promise myself I won't put up any art under a pseudonym. I'd only be using it for making testing runs if the site goes down, if a new feature is added, and I suppose I could use it as a means to follow and join a lot of members, tags, and groups so as not to clutter my homespace. So is it unethical to sit on this name for longer than a year (now that I've created it in such surprise that it wasn't already in use) or any time at all? Seriously, I love this username so much that, yesterday even more surprised, I made a PSN account (and linked it here) that will be my primary, probably forever. As much as I like it, Hopla, I like much better in a text-based setting and I have no use for an Alt. What do you think, community? Is there anything that warrants claiming a username that will (literally, most likely) never be used in a full capacity? i will admit, now that I have it as a PSN account, I feel more comfortable with letting the Bnet version go, and yes I know I sound psychotic.

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