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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Syris): 9/3/2014 10:49:44 PM

Stopping Piracy in Destiny

Donkeys. Pirates. Laser light shows. Now that I have your attention: Dear Bungie, It's pretty obvious that there's a lot of hype for Destiny, but sadly that means that [i]some[/i] people won't be buying it, they'll pirate it. Yes, even the console version of games can be pirated, using the crafty magic of these digital Bluebeards. To prevent this, I have some ideas that I believe Bungie should seriously consider to punish pirates, going in the vein of Game Dev Tycoon. My ideas*: -Legitimate copies should get access to the Tigerman. Bungie, you're making a mistake here, trust me. I know things. -Pirated copies should be able to select the Tigerman, and only the tigerman, but upon exiting the character creation screen, their head turns into a [url=]Soffish[/url]. Upon headshot deaths, the Soffish explodes into smaller Soffishes that flop into the nearest body of water for further storage. -Pirated copies should be harassed, consistently, by an intergalactic band of brigands that will be known as the Jacked Sparrows. Throughout the game, these pirates would -- randomly -- show up with near unkillable stats, targeting only the player and his squadmates/friends. Personally, I think that this is something that would greatly benefit the gaming community and Bungie itself. Sincerely, A concerned fan *Don't take any of these seriously, for your own health.

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