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Изменено (AcedannyK): 6/20/2013 12:49:30 AM

Blaming people or doing something about it

I have read some truly cancerous posts today. Such as, but not limited to... [i]"You ppl cant see the futur of gaming!" "Thanks for killing inovation assholes!" "Becuz of u were gonna b using steam powr!" "Wow teh x1 is just the 360 now "MS' intentions wer greedy then nd now 2!!!" "Still getn ps4 LEL"[/i] From what I have heard, the X1 will not support family sharing/online libraries [u]at launch.[/u] How will you react if MS brings this feature in alongside the now DRM free system post-release? Have you done anything to actually show your support for bringing back the feature? Or are you sitting back and blaming people on an internet forum for how they're bringing ruination upon mankind? Peace out, my friends, and good night.

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