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Изменено (physman): 3/20/2013 12:22:00 AM

My friend told me something about Colleges / Universities, can anyone confirm please?

Apparently, according to my friend, if someone creates an app which goes viral and a lot of people use it and say it makes a lot of money from advertisements, my friend said that if the person is attending a college / university when creating that app and when that app went viral, he said that the university / college takes part of the money which the person receives from the app. Is this correct? Suppose I create an app and everyone begins to use it, and say the app is related to universities and has something to do with universities / colleges (for example an app for educational purposes), and if I make lots of money from the app through advertisements and what not, will all the money go to me or will the university / college take some of the credit / money? I'm in a computer science program and my friend said that the university I go to might be like 'well we taught you everything about computer science and app creation plus you still attend the university so we deserve some credit' and he said it is better if drop out if the app goes viral. Is this true? Thanks in advance! And I know I know, i'm not going to make a huge app which will go viral, I'm just wondering if it is true.

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