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Общее обсуждение Destiny.

Эта тема создана на основе другой темы: просмотр оригинала

3/11/2013 7:51:23 PM

How tall you think the players character will be

Human sized or Spartan sized! So if they are the size of the Marines that got slaughtered on legendary difficulty by Elites, its gonna be fun. I suppose that is human size because Spartan size is not human size! (you ever see an elite smack a human Marine wooaoh) They fly away! If they are Human sized the game i suppose would need lots of dipping and dodging (i recall the humans doing that alot diving to get away from [vien] elites downward thrusting fist). This makes for different evasive maneuvers i suppose no more speculation I CAN GO FOR DAYS!
#Destiny #Vien #woah

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