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Изменено (ThankGod4Words): 2/8/2013 1:36:02 AM

Unnecessary gamer rage

Well, I learned today my one friend, Gen Fluttershy (Don't ask) will not talk to my friend SGT Applejack (Once again, don't ask. I think they watch MLP), both of which I know irl. Well after a 5 minute interrogation with Applejack, I got basic gamer rage story. From what I understand, in the new Black Ops 2 zombie map, You can build these trampoline thing-a-ma-bobs that launch zombies out of the map. Well I guess Applejack placed one in front of Juggernog, and launched Fluttershy out of the map. Now he won't talk to him. I personally think Mr. Fluttershy is taking this far to seriously, and I can't seem to resolve the situation between the two, any advice?

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