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Изменено (Froggie): 1/31/2013 9:09:27 PM

Private Groups - Admin Feedback

As an admin in a couple of groups, I've noticed several features that are missing that were very useful in the past. I'm hoping that some of these features will return in the future. [u]Missing Features[/u]: - Only one level of admin (Preferred options to turn on/off certain rights) - No ability to lock threads! (This one is a HUGE issue for us.) - Can't ban straight from the forum; have to go to members and then ban. - Can't edit members' comments. UPDATE: This has been resolved! - No search member feature - Member titles! - Articles/FAQs/Links pages [u]Group Issues/Bugs[/u]: - Missing threads - entire threads seem to have been purged from groups. UPDATE: This issue has been resolved. - All admins but one demoted. - Some groups have incorrect founder listed - Banning members results in kicking them from the group! UPDATE: Only if they belong to more than 10 groups. [u]Suggestions[/u]: - Customize layout -- Turn/on off nested replies -- Ability to list posts chronologically in ascending order -- Themes to change background colors, fonts. - Private group post reporting/ report queue for moderators and admins - Group forum tags: it's nice that we can tag threads in private groups; however, if those threads are not public, they appear to be useless. I would like to be able to see a list of group-specific tags. - Ability to search [i]within[/i] groups! - Badge system for members - Ability for admins to tag members' threads. (Perhaps will come with ability to edit members' posts?) - List of followers that are not current members Other thoughts?

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  • Изменено (Spartan in Oslo): 1/11/2013 2:45:38 PM
    Yeah! The changes to groups are my only real issue with the new layout. -Where is all my freakin CONTENT?? :S Articles, news, posts, settings.. So much is just gone! Why? One thing is the lost content, which will take many hours to rewrite, but another thing is that the current options for groups are not enough by far! If I wanted my group to work like a facebook group or twitter, I would have made it in facebook or twitter already! I need the roles and admin tools from the old setup to run my group! The old setup was JUST enough! Im sorry if my post doesn't seem like constructive feedback, but these changes are tying up the hands of my team. I'll have to recreate my entire group on another website if the groups layout here will stay like this.

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