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1/16/2013 5:04:16 PM

So... when does dieting get easier?

I am not a thin individual. I all but quit vigorous exercising when I stopped playing football (so about two years now), and didn't account for the difference in energy needs. I am now 220 pounds at about 5' 10", but with the encouragement from my girlfriend and the desire to actually like the way I look, I finally started dieting (exercise will come shortly, I walk a few miles daily but nothing to write home about). I haven't had a full calorie soda or anything sweet (outside of fruit and a 2 sugar packets in my morning coffee) since Sunday. Christ, I'm hungry constantly. The other day I ate an entire bag of carrots and I think it actually made me slightly hungrier. Do I have to look forward to being constantly hungry in the long term, or will my hunger eventually have the decency to -blam!- off?

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