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5/22/2024 4:24:01 PM

Bungie Store Final Shape Code Issues

Back in December I pre-ordered the collectors edition, but after concerns with the layoffs and the date being pushed back but not announced, I decided I did not want to make a $300 purchase for the game. I emailed the Bungie Store, and to my suprise they refunded the entire purchase. I had already redeemed the game code, and the Bungie Store Customer Service said the code would be deactivated and I could repurchase the digital deluxe version. I have emails back and forth with them for 6 months, and the code was never removed from Steam despite them saying it has. I cannot repurchase thr game or redeem a new code because Steam thinks I already have the game. I would really like a Bungie team member to review my situation and provide a solution.
#Help #pcsupport

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