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Изменено (Murpy): 5/21/2024 9:58:41 AM

Weasel and marmont error codes when selecting titan but not warlock or hunter

Hi! For background info, I was in orbit when my friend invited me to his fireteam. As soon as I received the invite I was booted to the main menu. Now, any time I try to log into my titan, I hear the fireteam invite sound play rapidly and then get an error code weaseled and occasionally marmonted to character select. This does not affect my hunter or warlock characters. I was able to momentarily get back into my titan by logging into my hunter and disabling invites. Eventually, I was kicked to the main menu again and now can still only use my hunter and titan. Does this relate to the ongoing 'Pony' error code problem and my friend accidentally just caused? I am playing on PC in the U.S. through Steam.
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