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5/20/2024 1:52:51 AM

Please fix your game bungie

The description for Event ID 0 from source nvlddmkm cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer. If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event. The following information was included with the event: \Device\Video3 Error occurred on GPUID: 100 The message resource is present but the message was not found in the message table FIX YOUR GAME PLEASE
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  • Изменено (RurouniDante): 5/20/2024 1:57:51 AM
    Hi there! The error message you are describing is a video card error message that is being captured by Windows Event Viewer. This error message does not provide a great deal of information as to what is occurring shortly before the crash occurs. Can you please provide more information, as outlined in the article linked below? Also, please be sure to provide a DxDiag report, as provided in the steps outlined below. 1. Restart your machine. 2. When you log in, please click on the Windows icon, then type dxdiag. If typed correctly, only one command should appear. Please click it. (If you need to enter the credentials of an administrator of the PC, please do so). 3. Allow the tool to run. A green bar should progress on the bottom portion of the window. If you receive any dialogue boxes as it progresses, please address them accordingly. 4. Once the tool is completed, please click on the "Save All Information" button. Save the resulting text file in an easy to find location, such as your Desktop. Then, close the tool. 5. Open the text file you just created and copy all of text to your clipboard by selecting all of it (Ctrl+A) and copying it (Ctrl +C OR rightclick and click Copy). Then, close the file. 6. Go to 7. In the text box below, paste all of the text in the box. 8. If you would like to make your system specs hidden, you can change the Paste Exposure to Unlisted. This will hide it from the Public section of the site but still allow people to view your Paste. Then, click the Create New Paste button. 9. Copy the resulting URL and reply back to this comment with the URL.

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