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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Samurai): 5/11/2024 2:02:32 AM

Locking double perks behind unnecessarily rare shiny weapons is stupid

EDIT: Since we got some [i]special[/i] and [i]unique[/i] forum dwellers, I revamped the post. Not being able to reset Shaxx is stupid. Double perks (A system traditionally put behind resetting ranks) on shiny weapons exclusively is stupid. Hall of Champions and everything revolving around it being removed with TFS is stupid. Shiny drop chances are stupid. Shiny double perk obtainability being removed with TFS is stupid (couldn’t care less for the glow). If the solution is to not remove anything from ITL, it should be done, even if the shiny drop rates are abysmally low. Not entirely sure why time rushing is ever a factor.

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