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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
5/10/2024 5:19:24 AM

Special ammo meter > crates

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  • body drops >>> ammo meter > creates the green ammo should drop from headshot primary kills or exotic weapon kills on enemy bodies existing for you and the entire enemy team.. this forcing you to have to either push or bait the ammo bricks for more primary kills it also means if your next to a teammate and they die you probably get green ammo encouraging team play it also makes it so teammates cant steal your ammo bricks it also makes exotics abit nicer to use in PVP its also an indirect buff to reload perks like auto loading and shoot to loot even spark of momentum as there are now green ammo bricks on the ground i think overall this would be good for PVP and alot better then what we have gotten so far some exotics that use green ammo need some changes to reflect this new sandbox.. forerunner should get less green then say erianas vow for example or even something like current mountain top as it cant even one shot anymore

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