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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
4/26/2024 12:58:59 PM

Can't claim prophetic visionnary emblem / prophecy dungeon flawless

Hi everyone, I've been returning to Destiny 2 lately after almost a 3 years break (stopped since 2021). Back then i had been soloing Prophecy Dungeon Flawless and for some reason i didn't claim the emblem from my triumphs. Lately I tried to do so multiple times onto the game, onto and so on but it just doesn't allow me to do so :/ Yet it is marked as completed on my account : [url][/url] [url][/url] I didn't find any related case onto the forum or through other community network, and didn't find any answer to that problem. I think i might need some technical intervention from bungie. Please help me claim my emblem :) ! xO Albus#2649

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