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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
4/20/2024 8:52:04 PM

Deterministic Recoil was a cool experiment, but please delete it.

The entire point of the Recoil Direction stat was to offer players a visual of the weapons recoil and now we're back to hidden stats and shooting at walls from a distance to get an idea of the weapon recoil. There's also the issue of stability based stats becoming convoluted now that you now need to run past 3 different stats to get a handle on how your recoil will be. I thought this kind of thing is why Zoom was decoupled from Range just 8 months ago. Just remove Deterministic Recoil and discontinue the stat. Recoil Direction was already perfect

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  • Изменено (ForeverLaxx): 4/21/2024 1:17:27 PM
    It's cool when that forced deviation actively makes the weapon perform worse the more "vertical" the Recoil Stat becomes. I've had weapons that were harder to keep on target at 100 Recoil than they are at 50 Recoil and that should never be how it functions. Deterministic Recoil, a change meant to make a gun perform "consistently" regardless of the Recoil Stat (I assume to benefit newer players?), is a bad experiment that needs to be retired. At this point, I think it only exists so Bungie can pretend players want different barrel perks instead of defaulting to the "standard 3" of Extended Barrel/Smallbore/Arrowhead. Most of the time, that's the real reason Bungie makes a fundamental (and mostly hidden) change to how a weapon functions under the hood, anyway.

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