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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/31/2024 11:21:09 AM

Rules regarding IP-sharing - Day One LAN Project

Hey, With my clanmates, we're planning to gather IRL to do a LAN for the upcoming Day One Raid. Even though we'll all be on our own account, we'll probably all appear under the same IP. Is there any rules that forbid IP sharing ? Cheers,

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  • Изменено (Kemaleon): 3/31/2024 5:42:41 PM
    Nah of course not, though you are playkng through the same gateway IP address everyone will be assigned their own internal IP which follows that. I play online with my 2 sons quite often and its fine. As one other guy mentioned though you may get NAT errors. If you are using the same devices (i.e. Xbox) and have setup Portforwarding then you should be fine. But if its mainly just for raiding you should be fine anyway. EDIT: One other thing, another person mentioned it testing your bandwidth but Destiny runs at a max of around 700kbps. Thats less than 1mbps so if you have say 10mbps connection then you should be ok. I'm not saying it won't cause issues because Bungie's network model SUCKS but as long as you aren't all watching Netflix 4K movies and torrenting while you play then it should be ok.

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