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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/17/2024 12:00:00 AM

Trials card matchmaking.

I was curious as to how this works. Lets say you are on your 4th win of a mercy card, but you have a loss. Does it match-make you against the pool of all guardians on their 4th win weather they have incurred a loss or not? If it does- will it match-make you against guardians who have already gone flawless this week but have a loss on their 7 win card if they're farming for the weapon? If it doesn't work like this- I suggest that it should. If you are on a card with a loss, you should be matched against other non-flawless guardians ALSO on a loss (or their second loss). Match-making in Trials feels so coin flippy and so out of player control its not a great design for players with skill but not a lot of time. You just ram your head into a wall until you either A) win the duo coin-flip or B) Play against the players that do not have motivation to win 7 times without getting them on your team. Side note and somewhat unrelated- I really wish freelance trials would return. Duo's ruin the experience for everyone. The argument of "we have fire-team finder" should go both ways. If you can find a duo with Fire-team finder..then you can find a trio. Let introverts be introverts.

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