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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/13/2024 3:43:14 PM

Linked Twitch for Diamond Drop Reward, Destiny name changed without permission?

I linked my twitch account previously but after streaming for the Diamond Drop for GG it changed my display name in Destiny. I didn't realize it had even changed till a friend asked me why my name was different later yesterday. My D2 name is now displaying as my Twitch name. Is this a default I wasn't aware of? Why would it happen now if I had twitch linked last year? I know the stock answer is that we are given 1 name change, but I didn't change it, I literally just watched aztecross talk about teabagging anyone who wasn't reppin Titans on stream for 2 hours yesterday. That's it. Thank you for any advice

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