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2/26/2024 11:40:56 PM

New light looking for clan

Hi, im a new light from Romania, i used to play destiny on my ps4 and now i would like to start my journey with d2. I can play EU time gmt+2 almost all day. im a PS5 player. If someone is interested in helping me, please leave a comment or add me on discord Discord: spxwreloaded
#Clans #Discord

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  • Hi there Welcome to D2, guardian. You will have a lot to catch up on. I notice that you haven't chosen a clan yet. We are a small but active and very friendly clan, UK/US/EU and active mostly from late afternoon GMT. We have several Europeans in our midst though none from Romania. We are of all skill levels and experience and passionate about helping new / returning players become legend. I won't overwhelm you with a lot of information. Here is the link to the clan. Read the profile, if you are interested then join the Discord server here and we will get you sorted. Feel free to DM if you have any questions. I wish you the best in your journey no matter what home you choose :) Mithrax

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