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2/27/2024 10:43:21 PM

How to unlink cross play from a deleted account

I deleted my PlayStation account and made a new one but I forgot to unlink my crossplay now I can’t deactivate my PS account from it. I put in the email and password and it doesn’t do anything. Any advice or help

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    Hi Im Swat
    Hi Im Swat

    Bungie fan forever. Here since 2008. - старое

    You will have to work with PlayStation to recover the deleted account. If they can't help you then you're stuck with it forever. Bungie will not remove platform accounts for privacy and security reasons. [quote]Destiny Player Support and Bungie cannot modify or remove accounts linked to profiles. To protect player privacy and data, you must be able to log in to any linked accounts to prove ownership prior to modifying your linked account. If you no longer have access to a linked account, you will need to reach out to the specific platform’s support for assistance with account recovery options.[/quote]

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