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2/27/2024 9:40:58 PM

New Bungie name won't save

I created a new account and was hit with 'Guardian5996' so i went through the procces to change to my Xbox GT and it won't save.

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    Did you hear that? - старое

    Hello there[url=],[/url] If your Bungie Name has been changed to "Guardian####", that indicates that some part of the name broke the [url=]Code of Conduct[/url] or the [url=]Bungie Name Policy[/url], was filtered, and [b]can no longer be used. You can try a different name if you have not previously changed it.[/b] If the system is not allowing more changes, there is no way to override it. Additionally, I am not privy to what portion of the name policy or code of conduct your name was running afoul of. All I can advise is that once the name has been moderated by Bungie, it is no longer available for use. If you have a name change available still, you can change it to a different name.

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