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впервые опубликовано в: 1 week and NOBODY does anything!
2/26/2024 2:10:19 PM
Bungie support has already determined that the issue lies on internet providers that use Telefónica's backbone infrastructure. You need to call your internet provider support and provide this information, so they can contact Telefónica. [quote] BNGHelp6 Hi. Thanks for your report. Our investigations have determined that the Telephonica Brasil internet service provider is having issues that are causing these error codes for our Brazillian players. Unfortunately, this is not an issue we can assist with since it's the ISP having the issue.[/quote]

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  • Evening. I can confirm that this issue is affecting multiple ISPs in Brazil, as I am not a VIVO customer. Im going to assume that "Telefonica backbone" means that this particular company laid the cables or the "path" that eventually routes to the Bungie servers that cover brazilian players. It would be a welcomed gesture if Bungie could at least ping the company responsible for the backbone maintenance to let them know about the issue. Specially because it's not just a VIVO customer issue. Anyway, just to add more info: I live in Brasilia, Claro is my ISP, my Playstation is plugged via Ethernet cable. Same thing as everyone. All websites and others games work fine: tested on Fortnite, Tekken, BF2042, Borderlands. Youtube, Twitch fine aswell. Playstation reports good connection, NAT type 2, steady speed. Really hope we can resume playing without issue soon.

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