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Изменено (Joker101212): 2/20/2024 11:40:30 PM

Vanguard's Disciples {Cross-Platfrom}{NA}{Endgame}

[b]Vanguard's Disciples[/b] [i][NA][PSN,XBOX,PC][/i] [quote]Clan Page: Discord: Website: [/quote] [b]What we offer[/b]:[quote]- Cross-Play Friendly Server - Activity in all aspects of the game; Raids, Dungeons, GMs, PvP. - Members well versed in all aspects of the game and willing to help - A chill and non toxic community - Charlemagne Supercharged Server[/quote] [b]Requirements[/b]:[quote]- 18+ - Endgame ready - Most Recent DLC - Must have Discord - Active both in Destiny and Discord - Don't be toxic[/quote] Feel free to message me if you have any questions!

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