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2/20/2024 3:27:56 AM

Fishing crashes my game

Was doing some fishing today and once I had over 5 fish on the ground my game would hard crash, I reopened and tried to fish again and same thing. I was fishing yesterday with no problem. PC - Steam System: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Gigabyte 3080TI GPU 32 GB RAM Windows 22H2 547 Mbps Download / 23 Mbps Upload LAN connection Issue: When fishing on Nessus my game crashed twice after having 5 ish fish gathered on the ground. Once I was fishing with a group of other guardians and once I was alone. I don't know if this is a my pc thing or a game thing as I was fishing just fine yesterday. Repro Steps: At a Nessus fishing pond catch fish and leave them on the ground, around five is when I hard crashed. Actual Result: I would be able to have fish on the ground and not crash.

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