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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
2/19/2024 7:58:10 AM

Most Pinpoint Slug Shotguns feel bad when going for headshots in PVP

Ever since the 2m reduction in aim assist falloff on slug shotgun change, slugs feel terrible when going for crits, even when in kill range. They do not feel reliable outside of Chaperone and maybe hipfiring with heritage. Most legendary slugs and sometimes even duality suffer when I'm headshotting someone at the end of my kill range. There have been a ton of instances where I am dead on the forehead, and it just gives me a body shot or wiffs. More of the time it gives me the body shot, which makes no sense. Blinting with slugs does feel very effective, and probably the best way to use them. However, since they are a precision weapon I don't believe this is how they should behave. Would love to see slugs looked at. When stationary they feel fine, but that's not the situation you're in most of the time in pvp. I'm assuming its something with lower aim assist at those ranges and the movement of players combined with the net code making it not register as a crit. I do not want old chaperone levels of aim assist on these, they should not be extremely forgiving or anything. I want slug shotguns to feel reliable when going for crits near the end of their kill range if the player has good aim. I do believe that the upcoming checkmate changes to base crucible will help slightly with kill range since shotguns are getting a 20% damage buff with only around a 14% health increase for guardians. But if the aim assist and netcode decide it was a body shot then it just doesn't matter.

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