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2/4/2024 11:14:36 PM

Wrong Steam account linked

Many years ago when the Destiny 2 PC Blizzard Launcher to Steam migration happened, I was not in a good place and the whole process confused me greatly. In my confusion I accidentally migrated my destiny account to the wrong steam account (don't ask me why I have a second account, it has no games and no friends, I can't even remember why I made it in the first place). In my frustration, I uninstalled the game and never played it again. But every now and then I've come back to check if something has been put into place for myself and other people in a similar situation that I've seen posting here and on reddit, etc. I haven't been able to find any official Bungie documentation anywhere about helping the players in this situation, and I would love to be able to play with my friends again, without having to switch Steam accounts every time I want to play plus having to build my friends list all over again among a few other issues. I find it a huge shame that such a big company can't provide a simple fix for us (or even provide an easy way to contact support, you'd think they'd be able to have a more solid support team and contact with how much they charge for the DLC lol). I guess it seems like a minor issue in the grand scheme of things, but it doesn't seem like something that would be too difficult to fix, either. I am really hoping you can take mercy on myself and others in this situation and provide some kind of official statement and solution to this issue.

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