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2/4/2024 10:07:57 PM

Trials matchmaking seems broken

I was playing earlier today with someone from Fireteam Finder who was on a big losing streak (as was I), and we kept getting stomped 5-0, 5-1, maybe if we were lucky 5-2. At the end of a match I saw in the kill feed two messages like "... has been granted passage to the Lighthouse", which, if I understand correctly, means that that player went flawless (7 games without any losses). My card (along with my duo's) was flawed and we had no games won, with only two rounds won over the last 3 or so games. AFAIK there are only two trials pools: challenger (flawless and newly acquired cards, CBMM) and practice (flawed cards, SBMM). (I'm getting this info from an article by TheGamer.) Keep in mind that this game we lost with no rounds won, and my passage shows two rounds won and the flawed x in the box, which means we entered the match on flawed cards. To me, this makes no sense, I thought the two pools were separate, and, given the queue waiting times being less than 30 seconds while we played, it makes no sense why we, with no wins on a flawed card, go against a team that's on their last game to the Lighthouse when there is clearly no shortage of players. I have a screenshot (which has the text in the kill feed), and an end of the game recording showing my card and the players I played against. I couldn't record earlier since even I was caught off guard by this. Can someone explain to me what is happening, is this intended or a bug?

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