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Изменено (TuxyDoh): 1/29/2024 3:34:14 PM

I need help with Cross Save on another account.

I have an account that got banned (Evaks, Evader of Taxes#1645) and I want to remove my steam account from its across Save because the account it had the characters on (Xbox) got banned. It says to Authenticate every account, which I have done them all repeatedly except for Xbox because of the ban, and it won’t let me do anything about it. I want to be able to use my alt on my steam account but because of Bungies cross save system, I can’t. Can someone help me here? [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Help forum where you can find answers and troubleshoot any Destiny in-game/ app issues, courtesy of other helpful players and Mentors. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • Hello there[url=],[/url] Unfortunately, this is functioning as intended and cannot be manually overridden. [quote][b][u]What actions can limit my use of Cross Save?[/u][/b] The following actions will impact a player’s ability to enable or disable Cross Save: - Players who disable Cross Save cannot re-enable Cross Save until 90 days after it was disable - Players who purchase Silver cannot disable Cross Save until 90 days after the Silver was purchased - Players who perform a refund for purchased Silver cannot activate Cross Save until that Silver is re-purchased for that account -[b] Players subject to a ban or restriction cannot activate Cross Save, or disable Cross Save if already active, until that ban or restriction has expired[/b][/quote] [url=]Source[/url]

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