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1/28/2024 1:48:21 PM

Phishing looking mail

Recently I have started to play Destiny on my xbox series s, and I after I launched game I was asked for email to complete registration. So I have provided my email (first letter i provided was with capital letter). That was few days ago. Today I have recieved strange email The things that are right in this email is: - my xbox identity, - my mail i have provided with first capital letter. The things that wasnt right: - the mail arrived today, not on the day i have provided my email address - I wasnt registered for Destiny 2 Account but for Destiny account, - when I mouse over the verification link under Verify Email Address there is different link from different website (as you can see) - that makes that mail suspicious. Im asking you - is this phishing or its legit mail? I have covered hash in both links for security reason. If that mail is legit then why bungie are sending with suspicious links?

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